There is so much diversity in our world, making it inevitable that we as human beings hold different beliefs when it comes to a multitude of social issues. Religion, politics, socioeconomics, governance–these are just some of the anthropological elements we often find ourselves in disagreement with. It’s difficult and downright impossible to unify the entire human population with their beliefs, but there is one virtue that can bring peace to our multidimensional world: tolerance. 

Tolerance is not merely the acceptance of differences but the celebration of the rich tapestry woven by the various threads of humanity. And if humans can only find a way to exercise it all the time then there is a fighting chance that peace will be brought upon us once and for all. 

Religion is one of the most powerful yet divisive aspects of our lives. Different cultures and societies have unique perspectives in spirituality. We are not calling for an agreement that one religion trumps another, rather we are calling for humans to tolerate the different views we each have on religious matters. Rather than viewing differences as threats, we should see them as opportunities to learn, grow, and broaden our understanding of the world. 

Another hotbed for conflicting and opposing opinions is politics. Exercising tolerance allows us to engage in constructive dialogue, acknowledging that having different views makes our society well-rounded. We don’t have to agree with each other, but one thing we have to keep in mind is to hold each other in respect and high regard despite our differences in beliefs. Instead of attacking those who don’t share the same perspectives, we should start holding empathy for our fellow humans and have the willingness to listen and find a common ground. 

Sociopolitical issues such as sexuality and human rights tend to be controversial topics. People cite religion and cultural norms as reasons why they cannot accept certain views, especially modern ones with elements opposing traditional beliefs. Again, it’s almost impossible to unify us all and agree that one view is right and everything else is wrong. The right way to approach this to achieve peace and harmony is by being tolerant of one another. 


The 3 cornerstones of peace are love, respect, and tolerance.

These virtues go hand in hand in fostering an environment where peoples of different cultures, faiths, and beliefs can live together in harmony. When we approach one another with love, we create an environment where differences can be tolerated instead of feared. Respect also serves as the foundation of tolerance, and it starts with viewing one another as equals. 

In conclusion, tolerance is not just a virtue; it is a powerful force that has the potential to shape the future of our global community. It lets us look into ourselves and acknowledge that having differences is normal, and that just because something is different does not mean it needs to be controlled and culled. It invites us to embrace diversity and the nuanced complexities of the human race. Change does not happen overnight, so let us begin with ourselves and practice tolerance every single day as we navigate this beautiful thing called life.